Spark Development Timeline

Spark is just beginning. There are many milestones and tasks we must accomplish before Spark becomes a true international digital currency worth one USD per Spark. We have outlined an ambitious five-year timeline to bring Spark to life.

  • 2019
  • 2020
  • 2021
  • 2022
  • 2023
  • 2024
Development Timeline
  • Early Access Spark Distribution
  • Spark Market Beta
  • Form Economics Committee
  • Invite Only Spark Distribution
  • Spark Ecosystem Beta
  • Spark App Dev
  • Launch Full Spark Ecosystem
  • Launch Spark Ecosystem App
  • Spark Payment App Dev
  • Merchant Acquisition
  • Spark Protocol (Proposed)
  • Launch Spark Payment App


The Spark timeline includes many milestones which will help achieve widespread adoption of the Spark currency. There are many risks and unknowns ahead, but each step in the process is meant to build upon the last to grow a $2.5 trillion virtual economy.

  1. Early Access Spark Distribution

    Goal: Maximize awareness and Spark membership by allowing for easy, open account creation. During the Early Access period, the Spark registration page will be open to the public.

  2. Launch Spark Store Beta

    Goal: As a precursor to the Spark virtual economy, we will provide the ability for Spark owners to spend their Sparks on virtual goods and services via a limited online store, the Spark Marketplace.

  3. Form Economic Committee

    Goal: Form a committee of nationally-recognized economists and business executives tasked with providing insight, knowledge, ideas, solutions and advanced conceptualization of the Spark Economy.

  4. Invite Only Spark Distribution

    Goal: To create a community of like-minded members while minimizing the number of bots, Spark will move to an Invitation Only membership model in 2020. New members will only be added upon the invitation of an existing Spark member.

  5. Launch Spark Ecosystem Beta

    Goal:The beta version of the Spark Ecosystem will allow selected members to buy and sell virtual goods and services from one another.

  6. Spark App Development

    Goal: Begin development of the Spark mobile application.

  7. Launch Full Spark Ecosystem

    Goal: Launch of the full international Spark virtual economy.

  8. Launch Spark Mobile App

    Goal: Release of the Spark mobile app for Apple and Android users.

  9. Merchant Acquisition & Integration

    Goal: To help fulfill our goal of bringing Spark to the internet at large, we will seek out merchant partners willing to accept Spark.

Those who sign up now receive $25,000* in Sparks.

Open a Spark Account

*Estimated future value based on a target value of one USD per Spark.
New accounts receive $8,000.00 Sparks (30%) upon registation.
The remainder upon inviting three friends.